Ajarn / Sifu / Guru Harun Raja

Ajarn Raja / Sifu Raja - The instructor
'09 Ajarn / Sifu Raja is the Owner and Lead Instructor at Raja Academy of Martial Arts: Muay Thai, Wing Chun, FMA, JKD and more...
Ajarn / Sifu / Guru Raja started his martial arts journey at the age of 5 from Sifu Al Zepeda in the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Growing up, he came to love the uniqueness of the art and had a rough past as a minority around post 9/11 era, where he had to defend himself more than anything around his late school years.
Mr. Raja started taking the art of Muay Thai at the age of 15 and started to compete on a amateur level. He was quickly introduced to Sifu Francis Fong, founder of the Wing Chun Association of USA, from his former Sifu and further pursued his Wing Chun skills to this day from him. He was also deeply interested in furthering his studies in Muay Thai and saught Ajarn Surachai “Chai” Sirisute, founder of the Thai Boxing Association of USA.
He has also trained in the Russian ground fighting art of Sambo under Sensei Hakim Ahmed, NAGA World Champion and Abu Daibi Grappling Championship participant.
Sifu Raja holds a black sash under both Sifu Al Zepeda and Sigong Francis Fong in the art and science of Wing Chun Kung Fu. He is also an instructor/Ajarn under Ajarn Chai and is the South Carolina Branch representative for the Thai Boxing Association of USA. He trains in Singapore, once a year, and attends a number of TBA seminars throughout the year. In furthering is martial arts studies, in 2016, Mr. Raja became Guru under Dan Inosanto and Dan Medina and integrates this art of weaponry skills into his FMA classes.